Sunday, April 6, 2014

It’s True – Time Really Does Fly When You’re Having Fun

The celebration of my 15 year anniversary as a Zoo Volunteer is fast approaching and it’s got me feeling reflective. 15 years...I almost can’t believe it’s been that long. One my longest commitments so far! So much has happened in my life during this time: marriage, divorce, watching my nephew grow into an amazing teenager, finding family I didn't know I had, phenomenal travel opportunities, meeting some of the best people I've ever known who have (thankfully) become great friends and finally, finding my passion in life and being able to transform it into a career.

Most of the above list has no direct link with my volunteering at the zoo except for the last one. I've been asked many times over the years how it was I got into conservation as a career and it’s not a quick answer because it certainly wasn't a linear path. You could definitely say I took the long way around!

It was about 19 years ago that I was working for a marketing company and feeling utterly lost; I just couldn't fathom that this was what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I knew I had to do something to change that but didn't know what or how. I met with the woman in charge of Human Resources to explore different career options. To this day I’m eternally grateful to her for expanding our ‘career conversation’ beyond opportunities within the company. She asked me if I could do anything in the world, what is it that I would do? That was a no brainer – I’d work with wildlife in some capacity. But I told her that because I hadn't taken the ‘science’ path in university, I wasn't qualified. She suggested something that, at the time, was just so foreign to me: why didn't I volunteer somewhere with wildlife, maybe the zoo? I hadn't grown up in a family that did volunteer work and volunteerism as a whole wasn't as prevalent then (at least not in my peer group) as it is today. I had never considered volunteering as a way to explore my interest in wildlife. Talk about life-changing moments!

I left my meeting and immediately found out what I could about the zoo’s volunteer program. As luck had it, they were taking applications for the new volunteer class right then. I applied, had an interview, was invited to join the training program and 12 weeks later I ‘graduated’ and have been volunteering ever since.

I know many people out there think zoos are terrible places, and I agree that some definitely are. Over the years, many have told me they can’t believe I would be involved with a zoo in any capacity. I posted an entry last October about my feelings regarding zoos, and as I won’t go into detail about that now, if you’re interested, you can read it here

What I will say simply is this: my professional career in conservation was greatly influenced by my time volunteering and learning at the zoo. It’s been said that zoos have no role in the conservation of species or in the education of the public but I’m proof that statement is false. If it weren't for my time there, I’m not sure I would have ended up finding a way to transform my passion into a career. If I hadn't learned so much about wildlife conservation and been so inspired from my time volunteering, I’m not sure I would have been able to take the next step. And while it took a few years, I was finally able to land a job at a conservation organization I had dreamed of working for since I was a child. Since changing my career, I've had the great privilege of working for 4 conservation organizations and have volunteered for another 7.

I've had the good fortune of being told by many zoo visitors during the past 15 years that their interactions with me, learning about the zoo animals and their wild counterparts, is what made them change many aspects of their lives to help in the conservation of wildlife and the planet. I can't tell you what a blessing that feedback has been. Who knows if I’ll make it another 15 years, but for however long I’m there, I just hope I can continue to inspire zoo visitors with the wonders of wildlife and nature.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Polar Bear Musings

Maybe it's the fresh snow fall outside covering the trees and rooftops, maybe it's the sight of everyone bundled up in their warm coats, or maybe it's just this time of the year in general...but whatever the reason, the great white bears have been on my mind a lot.

© Lenore Nadeau

I've mentioned in previous posts that polar bears are definitely one of my favourite animals, always have been. Anyone who knows me, knows this. What's been on my mind lately though is just how much these bears have given me.

I spent many years as a child obsessing over them, pouring over picture books, staring at photos family members had taken of zoo bears for me and imagining what it would be like to visit them in their Arctic home.

As I got older, other things took precedence in my life but I never forgot about them and my dream of visiting them in the wild. And then one day, fate came knocking.

During my time working at WWF-Canada, I had the extreme fortune of travelling to Churchill, Manitoba to help Canadian wildlife biologists put satellite radio collars on two females with cubs. No words can really do justice to that experience - to say it was incredible doesn't even begin to describe it. That trip led to two more Churchill opportunities through a partner organization called Polar Bears International. Thinking back on these experiences, I still have trouble believing my life with these bears came full circle - even with the pictures to prove it!

As a child, this almost mystical creature gave me countless hours of stories while I pictured them in their faraway frozen land. As a teenager they gave me the dream of seeing them in the wild someday. And as an adult, well, as an adult they've given me the most. I've had the amazing privilege of seeing them in Churchill three times and was able to fulfill my lifelong dream of doing so. They've given me a majestic icon to draw on to tell the story of our planet's unnaturally fast warming while educating zoo visitors about conservation (though I'd be happier not to have to tell this story). They've given me the opportunity to meet some of the top bear scientists in North America, one of those being Dr. Ian Sterling, godfather of polar bear science in Canada - this is my kind of rock star. He even wrote pieces of those books I mentioned reading as a child, so finally meeting him after years of following his work was an extreme honour. And last but not least, polar bears have given me some amazing friends, brought into my life because we all love them and share the common goal of wanting to help them survive.

I'm not sure I can ever repay these beautiful bears for all they've given me, but my promise to them is that I will never stop fighting on their behalf. I will continue to tell their story and hope that I help influence people to change the way they live so polar bears - and all wildlife - will continue to be a part of our world.

As we near the end of this year and get ready to ring in a new one, my wish for everyone is that, like me, you are lucky enough to find a special connection with an animal that will bring you joy and rekindle your wonder of the natural world.

Some of the most amazing people I've ever met:


Jaime, Julie and me

The amazing Youth Arctic Ambassadors of 2008

PBI founders Robert & Carolyn Buchanan

Some of the incredible 2008 facilitator team (Julie, Krista, Matt, Kathy and Bill)

Polar bear Pete and Heather


Shari and me on a tundra buggy
Stacey, Shari, Gavin and Rachel 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Zoo Debate From My Perspective

It’s been too long since I've made an entry in my blog and I'm afraid I've chosen a rather contentious topic to get things going again. Not all will agree with me and I understand that. Emotions are certainly involved in many of the discussions that occur around zoos, as I believe is right and proper. As you know from this blog or because you know me personally, I'm very passionate about wildlife and that passion fuels an emotional response to issues that involve them. So I can say with honesty that I understand the concerns people have about zoos. I also think it’s important to look at all sides when it comes to an issue, any issue, and I don’t believe that always happens in the case of zoos - especially when I hear things said like, "better dead than in a zoo". 

I've said it before, many times, and I’ll say it again: I do not believe people should paint all zoos with the same brush. Not only do I think it’s a mistake, but irresponsible to do so. There are some good zoos and some bad zoos, with others falling somewhere in between. Just as there are some good sanctuaries and bad sanctuaries, some good wildlife rehabilitation facilities and some bad ones. Just because a captive facility decides to call itself a sanctuary doesn't automatically make it a good place. Do I support all zoos and captive facilities? No. Do I think any individual zoo does everything right? No. Do I think we should look to constantly improve things? Yes, always. Would I prefer to see an animal in the wild? Of course. Do I understand the benefits of a good, modern day zoo and the positive contributions they can and do make to conservation and education? YES. I think it’s extremely important to acknowledge this in order to really understand the issues and have an informed discussion. Even the well-respected, world-renowned primatologist, Dr. Jane Goodall takes the view that some zoos do a good job of public education.

When I think about the debate, those most often against zoos are animal welfare organizations. And while I believe these organizations are very important, the captivity issue is one where I don't agree with everything they believe. I support many animal welfare campaigns because there is terrible, disgraceful animal suffering going on around the world and those organizations have an important and positive role to play. I have and will continue to support campaigns to move a specific animal or group of animals from a bad zoo or other bad captive facility to a healthier, kinder and more suitable place. I fully believe that ANY place that holds captive animals – whether that is a zoo, a sanctuary, a wildlife rehab facility or somewhere else – should be constantly reviewed and held to the highest standards possible; improving the standards of care and housing should be of the utmost importance. And animal welfare organizations work hard to make that happen. But I don’t believe that being against all zoos helps with the bigger picture.

In a perfect world, all animals would be free to live in the wild without interference from humans and everyone would respect their rights as living beings to exist as part of a balanced ecosystem. We also wouldn't be carving up the planet for gain, greed and consumption for an ever-growing human population to the detriment of every living being, including us, on the planet. Until there is a drastic shift in how we do business, ‘the wild’ isn't as safe a place for wildlife as it once may have been, and good zoos play an important role in helping to conserve global species.  

Welfare organizations don’t believe animals should be used for entertainment and I agree one hundred percent. I avoid movies that use wildlife animal 'actors', I despise places like circuses and Marineland where animals are abused in order to perform tricks that make humans laugh, and I definitely don’t support bad zoos. To welfare organizations though, all zoos are considered equal and as bad as those places I just listed; all entertainment, devoid of conservation and education. But good zoos are definitely not on my list of “places of entertainment”. In good zoos animals don’t perform tricks for the crowd and are not abused in order to bend to a keeper’s will. Good zoos strive to provide a healthy captive environment, they strive to contribute to wild conservation efforts, and they strive to educate visitors on the important conservation issues. 

During my extensive years as a zoo volunteer I have learned many things that have helped shape my understanding of wildlife and global conservation issues. I have learned about captive breeding and the role zoos have played in saving many notable wildlife species that were successfully returned to the wild. I have learned that some of the top wildlife biologists & researchers are using studies done by zoos to help them fill in the blanks for wild species that might not be easily studied. I have learned that good zoos work with Universities to enhance their students' areas of study. I have learned that good zoos monetarily support conservation projects in the wild. I have learned about the illegal wildlife trade and about how devastating it is to wildlife populations. I have learned about wildlife taxonomy, species relationships and amazing facts about many animals across the globe. I have learned how to talk to people about wildlife conservation and what they can do to help. I have learned where I draw my personal moral lines. And, maybe most importantly, I have learned that in many situations there is a lot more ‘grey’ than black or white.

I have loved animals since I was a kid but was never sure of how to bridge the gap between how I felt about them and working to help them until I started volunteering at the zoo in my mid-20s. My professional career in conservation was greatly influenced by my time volunteering and learning at the zoo. So, it is personally insulting to hear it said that zoos have no role in the conservation of species or in the education of the public; I’m proof that statement is false. And I've had the good fortune to have been told by many zoo visitors over the years that their interactions with me, learning about the zoo's animals and their wild counterparts, are what made them change many aspects of their lives to help in the conservation of wildlife and the planet. This is why I still believe there is a place for good, modern zoos to play an important role in wildlife conservation and education.

Monday, May 28, 2012


A couple of months ago I was interviewed by Evelyn Senyi about my experience as a volunteer for Polar Bears International. Below is the interview taken from her blog, The Green Ink Pot (

Polar Bears and Churchill – the real deal

Churchill Wildlife Management Area © Lenore N

A Conversation with Lenore Nadeau
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with one very lucky woman – Lenore Nadeau – who has traveled to Churchill, Manitoba not once but three times. She was able to share some of her experiences, impressions and insights with me as to the state of polar bears in Churchill.

Q: I understand that you were able to travel to Churchill, Manitoba to work with polar bears on three different visits; can you talk a little bit about your time there?
A: My first time was in 2007 when I was working with WWF and we were helping the biologists that are tracking polar bears through satellite tracking collars. We spent three or four days in the town and one day out with the researchers collaring bears. My second trip was in 2008 when I went up in association with Polar Bears International.
Q: How did you get involved with Polar Bears International?
A: That was through my work with WWF. Polar Bears International (PBI) is interested in conserving polar bears and their habitat world-wide through research, stewardship and education. They are amazing in that they have made many different partnerships to help them reach their goals. They work with the eminent polar bear scientists, they have great partnerships with the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums and other zoos in Australia and Europe, and also work with other charitable groups like WWF.
In 2008 PBI was interested in having someone from WWF go to their arctic ambassador camp for teens and I was fortunate enough to be that person. We stayed out in a hotel for five days where the wild bears were gathering, just snoozing outside your window. It’s an amazing way to immerse these teens in this culture and environment. We also had some elders from the Cree nation, who still work the trap lines, come and talk to the students about their way of life and how it is very different from the way of life in the south. The camp not only exposes the teens to the issues that are happening in Churchill and globally with climate change and obviously with the polar bear, but it also exposes them to many other points of view. It’s a very different way of life up there.
Once I started the relationship with PBI I always stayed in touch with them even when I was no longer working with WWF. In 2010 they asked me to volunteer in Churchill for three weeks to help with bear season. I basically just helped them with logistics and anything they needed. But it was a really interesting role because I got to meet some of the people that I had never met on my prior two trips from zoos all across U.S. and Canada and some of the polar bear scientists.
Q: There is a big debate going on as to the health of the polar bear population world-wide and specifically the Western Hudson Bay population. What were your impressions of the health of that population?
A: From just visually seeing them at that time of the year they are skinnier anyways because they are fasting. The Western Hudson Bay population, which are the Manitoba bears, has always been forced ashore just based on the geographic area they live in so that’s not really the issue. The extension of the off-ice period is now three weeks longer and that’s the issue. So yes, I was seeing thinner bears my third trip then I was on my first but I can’t say that is scientific. You only see a number of bears and it’s really tough to say for certain.
Q: Do you think that the population is stable?
A: All the data says that the Western Hudson Bay population is actually fairing the worst. The scientists maintain that unless major changes are made we will lose certain populations.
Q: A lot of money is being spent on what’s being termed “conservation efforts” by WWF, PBI, Greenpeace and a lot of other organizations. How do you think that money is translating into actual help for the polar bears?
A: That’s a tough question because it depends on the organization that’s spending the money. Everyone has different efforts that they are working on. I think where PBI has had a lot of success is in their partnerships; they have access to the wild researchers, relationships with zoos and other like-minded organizations so their efforts to educate the general public with this information has spread. I think you need to educate people and inspire them to take action. It’s at the next level up where I think we are getting stuck, with the bigger picture conservation. I don’t want to give the impression that I believe that conservation efforts have failed because obviously I wouldn’t do what I do if I believed that. I think we have been successful in getting the word out, on some protection efforts and in research. But as far as going farther towards greater protection it hasn’t really gotten to the level it needs to get.
Q: Then do you think the polar bear should be listed as a species at risk?
A: The U.S. has listed them as a threatened species, Canada has not done that. Canada is a bit more complicated because we have aboriginal people who still hunt polar bears and that’s their recognized cultural right. If the polar bear were to be listed in Canada in any sort of category that meant no more hunting then we would potentially be taking away those cultural rights. On the other hand, we may get to a point where polar bear numbers are too low to sustain even subsistence hunting.
Q: So you support aboriginal subsistence hunting?
A: I support subsistence hunting, yes. People who live in the arctic don’t have the same kinds of things we have here, they live off the land and use the resources that the planet gives them.
Q: There is a lot of money and attention being paid on the polar bear and a lot of people would argue that while they may become endangered in the future due to climate change, there are other species that are disappearing at a much faster rate and are far more endangered, say amphibians for example, for which not enough attention is being paid. Where do you think our conservation dollars dollar should be spent?
A: That’s a tough question for me to answer. I’m a huge advocate of conserving all wildlife because my belief is that every single species that lives on this planet has a place and if it’s taken out of the ecosystem it throws everything off balance. I don’t think that any conservation dollars we spend are a waste. The way that PBI frames their work in the arctic is that by protecting the polar bear, this iconic mega fauna, they will protect its habitat and everything else that lives in it. So you hope that by taking one animal and making it the iconic species for whatever that cause is that even the smallest microorganism that lives in that ecosystem will be protected if their habitat is protected.

Lenore Nadeau has worked in conservation for over ten years with organizations such as World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Canada, Ontario Nature and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. She is also a long-time volunteer with the Toronto Zoo and Polar Bears International (PBI).
For more information on Polar Bears International please visit their website:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Celebrate National Wildlife Week!

Did you know...

...that the burrowing owl gets its name from its habit of using abandoned burrows of mammals like prairie dogs and badgers in which to build its nest?
...that the wood turtle is known to stomp its feet on the ground, mimicking rainfall and drawing earthworms out for a meal?
...that the cougar requires significant unbroken stretches of habitat as its territory may be as broad as 50 square kilometres?

Burrowing owl in Chinook Ranch (Photo by Nature Conservancy of Canada)

Canada is home to many incredible wildlife species and you can help the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) celebrate National Wildlife Week from April 8 - 14 by getting to know some of our country’s amazing animals.

Since 1962, NCC and its partners have helped to protect more than 2.6 million acres of important, biologically diverse natural lands from coast to coast. By protecting these areas for the long term, NCC is making sure that our natural world remains a home for the plants and animals that live there.

Visit NCC’s website to learn more about Canada’s wildlife and how you can help protect them:

Grizzly bear (Photo by USWFS)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beware the (Wildlife) Tourist Trap

On a recent trip to the carribean, I was reminded of how many animal-related attractions there are for travellers wherever you go. The minute we located the bus that was to take us to our hotel, every passenger was handed a bunch of brochures outlining all the fun activities to do while visiting the island. As I flipped through the various pieces I saw things like shopping tours, island tours, cultural tours, and then, Dolphin Cove. Visitors can pet, play and swim with dolphins...sounds fun, right?! There were actually a few in our group interested in this particular day-trip too because really, who can resist dolphins?

Not having done any research on Dolphin Cove itself, I cannot say what kind of place it is, and I can't paint every place that has captive animals with the same brush because some are quite good. There are those that house non-releasable wildlife (usually because of an injury they've suffered) who have become ambassadors for their species and the facility educates visitors about the animal's plight in the wild and what they can do to help. But the majority of the places you can visit while on holiday, including some zoos, are not at all reputable.

One of the people travelling with us mentioned how disappointing it was that our resort's beach didn't have any vendors with animals that will pose for pictures with you like they do in Mexico because that's really fun for the kids. I just about fell off my chair when I heard this because I was shocked that ANYONE would want to pose with some poor animal on a beach (either carted around in a cage or on a leash) given that I know how they are aquired and what usually becomes of them in the end. But this was the lesson for me: not everyone is aware of how these animals get to that beach in Mexico – or wherever you happen to be vacationing – or of how they are treated in order to get their cooperation to pose for a photo, or do a trick, whatever it is the vendor is selling.

The reality for most of these 'attractions' is that they have acquired these animals either from non-reputable places, through illegal means or even snatched from the wild. The animals are subjected to less then adequate treatment at best; at worst, they are treated horribly and are discarded when no longer performing, making money or behaving. And 'discarded' most often means killed because it's the easiest and cheapest way of no longer having to deal with them.

I remember visiting Chimpanzee Eden in South Africa ( – a sanctuary for chimps rescued from horrid situations – and learning about the individuals and how they came to be there. One story that really stuck with me was that of Cozy, a chimp born in America and sold to an entertainer in Italy. Living the life of a Gypsy, his owner traveled constantly and Cozy was made to strike certain poses so that tourists could have their picture taken with him. If he did not cooperate, he was hit in the back of the head, which of course, caused some mental damage. 

After his owner died, he lived in the dark and was confined to a 1.5m by 1.5m cage for such a long time (about 10 years) that most of his muscle mass had disappeared and he could hardly walk. Thankfully, he ended up at Chimp Eden and after months of rehabilitation work, he can now walk, climb trees and lives with a chimp family. For Cozy, the story ended happily, but this is not the case for SO MANY animals used at attractions or for entertainment.
It's not that I don't understand the desire to interact with an amazing animal, truely I do. But not under those horrible circumstances and not at the high cost they usually pay. My best advice is to do your research before going on vacation and find out as much as you can about animal-related attractions. Their websites will give you information but I would encourage you to dig deeper. Ask people you know if they've heard of the place you're interested in, email an animal welfare organisation for information, do the due diligence before you blindly support a place that makes animals 'perform for visitors'. And if you see someone with an animal on a leash (or in some kind of constraint) offering the chance of a picture, please, PLEASE walk away and don't support that. Above all, tell your friends and family about these issues and hopefully we can help put an end to this kind of suffering.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints

Whenever I’m fortunate enough to encounter wildlife in its natural habitat I’m always struck by what a privilege it is that I get to spend a little part of their day with them. It’s an amazing experience to see a shorebird catch a crab, watch a weaver building its nest, catch a snake sunning itself on a rock, or observe a mother raccoon with her babies searching for food in the waters of an urban park. No matter what species of wildlife I’m watching, rural or urban, it’s important to me that my presence not disturb that animal from going about its business of living. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same and I’ve seen many people behave in ways that not only disturbed the wildlife they encountered but was at times terribly detrimental.

While I’m always glad to hear someone tell me they love animals, I’m happier to hear them say they also respect them. With respect comes much better behaviour then with love alone; all kinds of crazy things are said and done in the name of love and most often it results in the suffering of the very animals people have professed to love, even when that might not be their intent. Maybe you’ve heard the expression ‘killing with kindness’? Sometimes we think we are doing something beneficial for another being because in human terms it would be kind but in fact it ends up being detrimental to that animal, like feeding wildlife for example (and yes, this includes the ducks and geese that live around your local pond). Human food is not part of a wild animal’s natural diet – in fact it is often bad for their health – so while someone may think that feeding it is helping, or just a fun activity to do with your kids, it will likely end up causing more problems for that animal. Feeding wildlife creates unnatural behaviours such as viewing humans as a source of food. When this happens you have more wildlife approaching people, which is not a natural behaviour, and it can often result in injuries to both wildlife and humans.

There’s one experience I had while in Africa that I’ll never forget. We were visiting Ngorongoro Crater and we came upon a cheetah that was hunting some Thompson’s gazelle. We were not the only safari vehicle to find this cheetah so there were a few groups around. Of course, African safaris are not inexpensive trips to take so I had assumed that people who take these trips are interested in and respectful of wildlife. Well, you know what they say about assuming, right? While the majority of visitors remained quiet, unfortunately the people in the jeep next to us started yelling and ‘cheering on’ the cheetah. This loud, disruptive and utterly disrespectful behaviour cost the cheetah his or her kill by scaring the gazelles away. Do I know with 100% certainty that the cheetah would have made a successful kill if everyone had been respectful and silent? No. But I do know with 100% certainty that their horrid behaviour did indeed cost the cheetah the opportunity of a meal. I also don’t know when the cheetah had last eaten or whether it was a female with cubs waiting for her somewhere, so the people who scared away the gazelles might have cost some cubs their meal as well.

It doesn’t matter if you’re on a tour to view wildlife or you’re sitting in a local park with urban wildlife –like squirrels and geese...don’t forget that these are wild animals just because they live in the city – respecting their right to go about their business without being disrupted by you is extremely important. The outdoors is where they live. I’m not sure you’d like it very much if someone came into your personal space, like your home, and started harassing you so why should it be any different for an animal’s home? Teach the children in your life that things like chasing or touching wildlife are not ok and may result in someone getting hurt. Sitting and observing wildlife quietly and respectfully is the best approach to learning about them and how amazing they are. And having your camera ready is a great way to capture some special moments you can share with your friends and family later.